HomeBusinessWhat is US9514961195221 Your Package Cannot Be Delivered Scam?

What is US9514961195221 Your Package Cannot Be Delivered Scam?

As we all know that the scams are increasing every day, and the us9514961195221 your package cannot deliver one of those increasing scams. In this scam people receive a message on their device about their packages with an illegal link that helps the scammer to get the user’s information. So, let’s understand how this scam works and how you can respond to it, with the help of this article. 

Know about US9514961195221 Your Package Cannot Be Delivered Scam:

us9514961195221 Your package cannot be delivered, an SMS that can be a scam! You heard that right! This SMS is a phishing attack that is targeting audiences through text SMS. This message claims that they have a package waiting for users from USPS. The SMS contains a tracking number and a tracking link to track your package. Now, the scam comes into the story! If consumers click on this link, it will take them to another illegal platform that claims to be USPS online presence. This page asks users to enter their personal credentials such as their name, address, and most importantly their credit card details. This information allows the scammers to unauthorized purchase from users credit card details. Hence, It has been verified that USPS does not do such unlawful activities. If there is any case of sharing alerts of deliveries then USPS will alert their consumers through email. Hereby, it has been stated by higher authorities not to click on any click in these sorts of SMS.

Ways to verify fake us9514961195221 delivery failed text message

In order to protect yourself from such scams, if you get us9514961195221 delivery failed text message follow the following ways to verify whether it is fake or real before trusting on it: 

  1. Double check the tracking number of the order that you have received on text with the tracking number that you have received earlier from the USPS. if the number matches then you can consider it as real. Otherwise, it is a fake message. 
  1. Go on the UPSP tracking website and paste the tracking number you received on message. If the message would be fake then it will automatically show you an error that says the item is not trackable. 
  1. Remember, the USPS does not provide any link with their messages, so if you get any suspicious link in your text messages do not click on it.  

What to do if you get trapped by the USPS Failed Delivery Text Scam

If you have not added any of your personal details on the website after tapping on the link, then you are safe. However, if you got trapped by the USPS ‘failed delivery text messages then you should check your computer to see if it may have been infected by a virus. Thus you have to check and remove the malware to make sure that your browser is not hijacked. or, if the user uses the credit card for payment of the fake delivery then you can contact your bank to request for a refund and to freeze your card for a temporary time so that the scammer can not misuse it. 


Us9514961195221 Your package cannot be delivered is a scam that helps scammers to fetch your personal details. When a user clicks on its link and fills out their details on it, they may lose their money, as this scam can hijack your bank account and other personal details. Well, our aim is to protect you from such scams so we advise you to not tap on any message that contains any suspicious link without verifying its relevance and reality. 

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